06 February 2024

Kurdistan Citizen Satisfaction Index

Sbey Research Team
Sbey Research Team Researcher
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The purpose of the Kurdistan Citizen Satisfaction Index (KCSI) survey is to measure and understand citizens' satisfaction levels regarding their living conditions, governance, public services, and economic opportunities in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The survey aims to provide valuable insights into citizens' needs and preferences, which policymakers can use to develop and implement evidence-based policies and strategies to improve citizen satisfaction and well-being.

The KCSI survey will provide policymakers with valuable information on improving citizen satisfaction in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The survey findings can be used to develop and implement policies and strategies to address the most critical factors for citizens.


  1. To assess the overall satisfaction levels of citizens living in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
  2. To evaluate citizens' perceptions of government performance, public services, and economic opportunities.
  3. To identify critical factors influencing citizen satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
  4. To understand the needs and concerns of different demographic groups, including age, gender, and geographical distribution.
  5. To provide actionable data to inform policymakers and stakeholders in improving citizen satisfaction and well-being.


  • Government Performance:
    • A significant portion of respondents (51.4%) expressed dissatisfaction with the overall performance of government institutions in the Kurdistan region.
    • Specific aspects such as efficiency, transparency, and responsiveness received mixed ratings, suggesting room for improvement.
  • Public Services:
    • Satisfaction with public services varied, with healthcare and education receiving moderate ratings, while electricity and transportation had lower satisfaction levels.
    • Accessibility and quality of public services need attention to enhance overall satisfaction.
  • Governance and Democracy:
    • A majority (51.1%) were dissatisfied with democracy, indicating a desire to improve democratic processes and governance.
    • Rule of law and citizen participation were identified as areas needing enhancement.
  • Economic Well-being:
    • The majority (60.6%) expressed satisfaction with economic opportunities, indicating some contentment.
    • Areas such as wealth distribution and economic stability had room for improvement based on the responses.
  • Infrastructure and Urban Development:
    • Satisfaction with infrastructure and urban development was relatively low, with nearly half (48.2%) expressing dissatisfaction.
    • Transportation, housing, and urban planning improvements are crucial for enhancing overall satisfaction.
  • Social and Environmental Factors:
    • Respondents showed dissatisfaction (66.8%) with social and environmental factors, particularly social cohesion, cultural preservation, and environmental sustainability.
    • Efforts to improve these factors are necessary for enhancing overall well-being.
  • Communication and Information:
    • A significant portion (52.0%) expressed dissatisfaction with communication channels and information availability.
    • Enhancing access to reliable information and citizen engagement platforms is essential.
  • Safety and Security:
    • Most (90.8%) were satisfied with the safety and security situation, reflecting a positive perception in this domain.
  • Demographics:
    • The sample is diverse, with a mix of age groups and gender representation, primarily from Erbil, Sulaimanyah, and Duhok.
    • Education levels vary, with a significant portion having a bachelor's degree (21.6%).
    • Employment includes public sector employees, freelancers, students, and homemakers.

Overall, the survey highlights a need for improvements in various sectors, particularly in governance, public services, infrastructure, and social/environmental aspects. Addressing these concerns can contribute to an enhanced quality of life and satisfaction among the population in the Kurdistan region.


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