Publication Policy

Instructions and terms of writing and publishing on the “Sbey Research Center” website

Writing in any field and genre is a scientific and ethical duty and responsibility, especially in the field of academic research. Despite, knowing the principles of writing, and following the methods and steps of scientific research, which are prerequisites for writing academic research, writing is the main responsibility of writers and researchers. In this regard, Sbey Research Center provides opportunities for research and analytical writing that meet at least these requirements. Also, it provides a platform for collaborative work and research necessities such as survey forms, resources, field interview staff, etc. Thus, our center advises and suggests authors and researchers revise these terms and conditions of publication when writing their articles. 


Rights and responsibilities of researcher: 


  1. Second / Content:
    1. Introduction
    2. Research Plan
    3. Literature Review / Previous researches
    4. Identifying the methodology of the research
    5. Content of the research
    6. Data and Information analysis 
    7. Research findings and results
    8. Suggestion and recommendations
    9. In using and writing scientific sources and any citation, the Harvard system should be followed.
    10. Any writing (research, analysis article, book review) sent to Sbay Research Center, must not have been previously published in any website or journal.


Rights of the researcher: 


Duties and Responsibilities of the Publisher: