05 July 2024

Artificial Intelligence Discussion at Sbey Research Center

Date of the Event
06 June

In order to discuss the importance of artificial intelligence and its impact on different sectors of society, Sbey Research Center on (06/06/2024) organized  an open discussion moderated by 'Dr. Nawzad Jamal', for smart technology experts.

In general, opinions focused on two aspects of the impact of artificial intelligence: risks and opportunities. Although individuals in our society are direct consumers of smart devices, it has not yet taken advantage of the features of these tools. The low level of awareness and lack of information is partly related to the lack of special education in our education system.

Today, Kurdish society has no choice (reject or accept) this global change. Instead, the only opportunity is to swim in the direction of the waves, in other words, to keep up with the flow of progress. This will be fruitless without the necessary information and awareness.

Therefore, we need a broad understanding of the different dimensions of artificial intelligence and new technologies. At the same time, consumer policies and protection of consumer rights, national and civil security should be formulated. To this end, everything from education and scientific education to the management of sensitive and fundamental sectors must be prepared for this important and inevitable change.


  • Hiwa Zera: Writer and educational researcher
  • Ravi Horin: American University graduate, Sbey Media employee and AI desk manager
  • Kardo Osman: Lecturer at Charmo University, holds a master's degree in AI and education
  • Sima: Staff of Qaiwan International University, Department of Software Engineering
  • Karzan Farooq: Master's student in artificial intelligence in Iran, owner of a technology company
  • Rebwar Ali: Expert and academic in the agricultural and robotics sectors
  • Bawan: Graduated from the Department of Software Engineering at Salahaddin University
  • Nawzad Jamal: Researcher - Sbey Research Center (Moderator of the panel).


  • The user often fails due to lack of proper usage skills. However, this should not be seen as a threat and shall not be prevented or lack of knowledge and awareness should not be seen as a challenge to learning. Since endeavor for learning and gaining expertise is beneficial to society and life.
  • In education, health, and research, artificial intelligence can be treated as a tool and necessity of life. Noticeably, there are risks of neglecting and oppressing the privacy of the lives of individuals, families and children. In addition to risks in the field of education and higher education, for instance (Chat GBT) can be used as a way of plagiarism. Also spreading false and misleading information on any subject on social media networks.
  • Since the mentality of thought and notion, culture, and lexicon is reflected in the way the user lives. For example, in terms of responsibility towards others and tools, the Kurdish individuals generally do not condemn themselves for the reasons. Sometimes in the past, due to the increase of divorce cases in court, the reason was attributed to Facebook, that is, the responsibilities were placed on the tools - the app - or the mobile phone. Whereas, from the scientific point of view, the cause of the break-up is not the tool itself, but the facilitator of the divorce.
  • Lack of monitoring and supervision policy, cyber policy, on children, schools, mechanisms to access networks and open apps. The technological revolution in developed countries is parallel to the mechanisms of use and broadcasting policies. Countries have education policies, network orientations, and artificial intelligence, extensive filtering as child protection mechanisms. Here, many parents think that they can buy a device for their child to sit safely, when it is not known how it will disappear in the streets of the Internet.
  • Currently, the new generation (children and Teenagers) are much more attentive than parents. Therefore, there must be cyber security available, and social security, air security, aircraft and drone movements, and data security of institutions must be protected in a database. We are very weak in terms of the banking system, while there is a possibility of electronic payroll; In such a situation, how do you protect yourself from cyber attacks and theft of your money and data?
  • If artificial intelligence and similar subjects are to be included in the education curriculum, the question is: Do you have the essential infrastructure and logistics? Do you have a trained teacher and experts to teach robotics? Is it just the history of science, or is it a simple subject and giving superficial information to students? Or is the program only for the purpose of raising awareness, or an adult generation to become scientific experts in the field? Should awareness be focused only on the media, or seminars, training courses, conferences, etc.?
  • Some believe that we cannot rely on artificial intelligence, for example, as a research source for a hospital or a research source for a housing project, because it is not yet smart enough. Now every Kurd knows what the Kurdistan flag looks like, but a widespread campaign was launched on social networks and artificial intelligence was forced to teach that the flag of Tajikistan belongs to Kurdistan. At this stage, artificial intelligence is not smart enough for the average user, because it processes whatever data you give it.
  • In agriculture, it is not only drones or artificial intelligence that matter, but also the education, convincing and understanding of farmers why they should use the device. Especially the current generation does not farm and the previous generation is still used to the old Kurdish way and does not believe in these changes to a large extent.


  • Hospital health systems can be improved through applications. There are good opportunities for the health system in the region, from recording 'patient data' in a public register that is rich in information and background of the patient, in terms of family, experience of communicable and chronic diseases, etc.‌
  • Studying AI and robotics as a subject. But we need to think about under what name and program.‌
  • Government institutions and relevant parties should be informed of the impact and necessity of the subject (AI).‌
  • AI is not something you can use all at once and put into the curriculum of an educational stage, but you have to start somewhere. In terms of science and pedagogical psychology, you should start with the early childhood education programs, of course, taking into account age and dividing the content into each stage that is appropriate to the child's intellectual maturity.‌
  • The government should have a specific plan to develop the capacity and skills of employees and workers in different sectors such as agriculture, through training, how and why to benefit from AI, and how much it serves to improve product quality and increase profits.‌
  • Being aware and preparing for another stage of politics and conflict. There is now a competition between two powers over AI, as to the competition and conflict is felt in Iraq and the region; Especially between the US and Chinese consulates. China's foreign policy is to support the agricultural sector in the Kurdistan Region, in this context, opened the market to import agricultural drones! However, the United States will not allow that to happen easily. Because in the case of GPS, a country like Iraq or Iran does not have that system in their hands!‌
  • Air and Defense: Several types of drones are imported in Iraq and not registered! Even the government cannot control it because it does not have proper knowledge of drones. While a country like Turkey produces its own drones. In the aviation sector, all countries in the world have a standard, such as registered airlines. However, Turkey has developed a specific type of drone that can fly above the standard lines and has not registered on the international line. Only, Turkey knows how to fly!‌
  • Data and information warfare and data recovery for AI should work. Do you want US or Chinese data sources? Of course, AI is algorithms and integrated codes. Therefore, AI interprets data, if you give AI incorrect data and information, it will produce incorrect results. The question is, what data is given to AI? Meta, Google, and Samsung are now free in the United States, and users can use everything from the company for a fee. The US government is trying to shut down the social networking site TikTok because the government has no control over its data. Even the spread of fake news and misinformation is permitted within the United States, neither the US government nor any company can hold its users accountable, while if you post a fake article or subject on Facebook, you will be blocked and deleted immediately.