Sbey Research Team
Sbey Research Team Author
20 August 2024

Addressing the Educational Gap in Public Universities in Sulaymaniyah Faced by University Graduates

In today's competitive world, universities play a crucial role in preparing students academically and for their future careers. However, in Sulaymaniyah City, public universities face significant challenges that impede students' progress. One of the most pressing issues is not having updated curricula to align with the demands of the outside working world. This gap not only hinders students from acquiring contemporary practical skills but also isolates them from real-world applications, leading to difficulties in their professional journeys. Another pressing issue is the lack of effective student service centers. These centers are intended to provide students with essential tools and support throughout their academic journey and beyond. Unfortunately, the existing Career Development Centers (CDCs) in Sulaymaniyah universities fall short of fulfilling these roles, leaving students to navigate their academic and professional paths with inadequate support.

Inefficient University Curricula

University level and higher education in general, is the academia phase which prepares students to become professionals capable of working and fulfilling tasks of their job positions. However, graduates from public universities in Sulaymaniyah face challenges when starting work or looking for jobs due to outdated curricula that do not align with the demands of the modern working world. In addition, a case study by Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, emphasizes that the professional industries look for graduates who are work-ready and have at least the skills to begin their job with confidence in task-oriented processes of work. This approach highlights the importance of practical skills along with theoretical academic knowledge. 

Unfortunately, one of the significant issues that public university graduates in Sulaymaniyah have is that the university curriculum is not updated so that it reflects the requirements of the modern job market. The current methods of teaching and course materials do not match what is required in today’s working world. According to a study, the previous President of the Polytechnic University of Erbil states that the current training courses offered by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research are short and not well organized as well and they lack the necessary facilities and equipment. In addition, a study in the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, which included academic staff and university leaders from four public universities in the KRG, showed that only 15% of the survey respondents were positive about the quality higher education system in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 

Furthermore, the challenges led by these curriculum constraints become noticeable when graduates start looking for jobs or even when they start their employment and this is because they notice a significant skill gap as their education system is not aligned with job market requirements. The reason for this issue is due to a lack of frequent practical training courses, including hands-on sessions and internships, within the university curricula. According to some students at one of the public universities (through personal communication, 2024), even though they have the lab session they will not fully practice in the session, and the techniques are just mentioned in slides. In addition, according to a study in KRI which included 1,031 participants in an online survey, 80.3% of respondents stated that the education system in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) did not adequately prepare them for the job market. Practical education must be included alongside academic courses in the universities' curricula so that students will be better prepared for the labor market. Moreover, in a report by Sbey Research, employers in Sulaymaniyah consider skills rather than experience as a priority when hiring fresh graduates. The lack of practical sessions prevents students from developing updated skills that are necessary for job requirements, therefore resulting in these students struggling to meet necessary job skills and perform effectively in their roles. These gaps lead to students graduating without possessing modern practical skills, or real-world working applications, and facing challenges during their professional working path. 

The Need for Effective Student Service Centers or Career Development Centers (CDC)

One of the educational gaps that graduates face in the universities in Sulaymaniyah City is the lack of effective student service centers. The student service center is a place where students can find useful tools and offers along their academic journey or after graduation. For example, one of the main purposes of having university student service centers is to enhance the quality of students' skills and practical work. In Sulaymaniyah universities, Career Development Centers (CDCs) serve the same purpose as student service centers; however, they are not as effective as needed. Students face many challenges due to this lack of effectiveness. One of the primary challenges is the insufficient number of academic activities to stimulate the students’ social and personal skills. 

According to the Career Development Center at the University of Sulaimani (UOS), their website needs more information for students to get the most benefit from the center. Occasionally, some activities serve the students, but more is needed. Academic activities significantly enhance students' abilities and make them more successful in their educational and career lives. In addition, according to a study conducted at one of Spain’s universities, having extracurricular activities contributes to achieving higher levels of academic performance, more successful development during university life, improved later employment skills and adaptation, and increased personal and social skills. 

Moreover, providing volunteering opportunities in the university or through student services during the academic journey stimulates students' commitment skills and responsibilities in society. According to the Spanish study, students also promote key learning processes and develop personal and social skills like active listening, negotiation, and teamwork, which are beneficial for developing attitudes that lead to higher academic performance. These skills help create a more successful university life and improve job performance.

Furthermore, students face other challenges, one of which is difficulty in finding job opportunities and other offers like internship programs. The student service department or CDCs in the universities must open a service that helps in finding job opportunities or internship programs. According to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 95% of employers consider candidates referred by career services at universities. In addition, regarding students and their performance, 63% of recent graduates mentioned that they were more confident and resilient when they went to career service centers for job searches or interviews. This shows that student service departments or career service centers help students be less stressed and secure their employment; as mentioned in the same survey by NACE, 40% of students secured employment after graduation through the centers. 

The idea of career service centers or student service centers is that companies and hiring parties trust the center, and graduates face less competition than other job seekers. In addition, career services provide more networking opportunities in the academic journey related to the career, such as preparing career fair events to promote students' familiarity with companies and what companies need from graduates. As students actively participate in these events, they will be informed about what is necessary for securing a good job and what they need to work on or enhance.

Regarding the University of Sulaimani (UOS), according to the CDC website, there are no events that help students find job opportunities. One of the instructors at the UOS (through personal communications, July 2024), who has been teaching since 2014, stated, "I have not seen any event related to job opportunities such as Career Fairs." Therefore, it is important to enhance these centers to help students improve the quality of their academic and job performance. In conclusion, the lack of academic activities and the provision of job opportunities or offers are the main challenges graduate students face due to the lack of effective student or career service centers.


In conclusion, addressing the educational gaps in public universities in Sulaymaniyah is crucial for improving the prospects of graduates. Updating university curricula to align with modern job market demands and enhancing the effectiveness of student service centers, particularly Career Development Centers, are essential steps. These changes will better equip students with the practical skills and support they need to succeed in their careers, ultimately leading to a stronger, more competitive workforce in the region.




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